We often tend to choose urgent things over the utmost important things in our life. I used to wonder thinking am I the only person to give excuses to God in order to postpone my prayer time with Him for "critical" office work or so called "urgent" personal worthless talks! Unfortunately, it seems to be the same with most of us.
From the beginning of the day, we try to make ourselves busy with most of the tasks which actually are not worthy to worry about. Now you may think, they are really urgent. Yes, they may be urgent to fulfill but not at the cost of postponing or pending up the quiet time with Almighty God.
As we look into Holy Bible, it has got the best life stories of the people as the proof of the ones who actually prospered putting God as their first priority.
David, the king of the mighty kingdom of Israel and Judah was called as a man after God's own heart(1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22). David longed for God everyday and called unto Him for everything he did(Psalm 63:1 & Psalm 61). This made him a righteous person by knowing God personally and the way to please God by living in His footsteps.
We know that if God says something, there is no doubt about it(John 17:17). The Lord Himself told that there is no one on this earth like Job, he is blameless, upright and the man who fears God and shuns evil(Job 1:8). He was so much worried about his children that they must have cursed God in their heart. So he had a regular custom of purifying them by giving burnt offerings(Job 1:5). If he does this for his children, how much must he be spending time with God and fearing Him? This made him unique and stand for so many trials in his life and prosper in a double portion.
Probably we know Martha and Mary story from Bible, where Mary chose to spend time with God and Martha was so busy in preparations(Luke 10:38-42). But Jesus answered Martha clearly that she has been worrying and upset about many things but only one thing needed, which Mary chose to do.
Solomon, Joshua many more great characters from Bible shows the importance of quiet time and putting God our first priority. Starting your day correctly praising and asking God strengthen you(Psalm 5:3 & Psalm 143:8) and ending day praising Him and rejoicing in Him(Psalm 118:24) is the right way to put your priorities in line because, Mathew 6:33 says But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. :) Ezra Benson quoted that When we put God first, all things fall into place(Proverbs 3:6).:)
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